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슬러지 자원화


소화조 교반기

The Gravity-Belt-Thickener is a high-quality, well-engineered and efficiency working system that actives an above-average volume reduction in the solids/liquid separation of sludge and other suspensions from waste water treatment.


- Sturdy and compact design in stainless sell quality, on request encapsuled
- Reliable, safe and fully automatic operation
- Low water consumption by use of filtrate for belt cleaning
- Low-wear and low-noise mode of working because of slow operation speed
- Low polymer consumption by careful thickening
- High filtrate quality results in a high capture rate of more than 98%
- Outside installation possible
- Low space requirement
- Low investment and operation costs


- Drinking water treatment plants
- Breweries/beverage industry
- Leakage processing
- Pulp and paper industry
- Recycling of animal cadavers, slaugh-terhouses
- Dairies and food industry

Screw Press Dewatering

초절전 슬러지탈수기1초절전 슬러지탈수기2초절전 슬러지탈수기3

탈수 공정 흐름도

탈수 공정 흐름도


- High power save Screw Press Dewatering
- DS outlet : 26~28%
- Polymer : 10kg/t-DS
- Motor rpm : <1.5rpm
- Capacity : Max.10m3/h
- Power : ~2.2 kw
- Noise : <60dB(A)
- Minimized operation cost
- 24 hr continuous operation


- Sewage Treatment Plant
-Waste water treatment Plant
-Pulp and paper Sludge

탈수 공정 흐름도

Low Temperature Dryer

저온벨트 건조기 건조기 모델별 처리 용량


The products of klein Technical Solutions are designed for treatment of suspensions and pre-dewatered products that are usually waste or difficult waste materials. Therefore, the prior aim is to reduce the volume of these materials as much as possible in order to minimize the waste disposal costs. The different processes, as thickening, de-watering and drying, enable a concentration of suspensions with a water content of more than 99% to a residual product with a water content of <10% Based on the high organic percentage of the suspensions the dried material forms an attractive combustible. The dried granulate is hygienised, almost dust-free and easily storable. Drying of sludge and other suspensions also enables further utilisation possibilities, like combustion or gasification. In some cases the use as fertilizer may be possible as well.

The advantages

- Low energy consumption
- Low energy costs by usage of waste heat
- Standard heat sources
- Direct heating : raw gas, biogas, Propane/Butane, fuel-oil
- Indirect heating : warm water, process air, thermo-oil, steam
- Waste heat can be used like
- Warm water 90℃
- Process exhaust(90-500℃)
- Other available heat
- Construction acc. ATEX

Compact-Dry Conti-Dry Pro-Dry
150 – 700kg/h
500 – 5,000kg/h
500 – 6,000kg/h
함수율 < 10% 함수율 < 10% 함수율 < 10%
사전 조립된 모듈형 구조 이동 가능한 모듈형 구조 대형 저온 벨트 건조
설치 기간 및 비용 최소화
모듈화 확장 가능
설치 기간 및 비용 최소화
모듈화 확장 및 이동 가능
저온성 폐열원 활용
바이오가스 및 다양한 연료
다양한 저온성 열원 건조
모듈화 및 계열 확장으로 소형에서 대형까지 적용 가능
매우 낮은 유지 보수
100% 화재 폭발 방지
저온성 폐열 적용 가능
전용 악취 제거 시스템
유럽 ATEX 방폭 인증
24시간 자동 무인화 운전
하수 슬러지
폐수 슬러지
제지 슬러지
소화 슬러지
우드칩 및 바이오매스
고형 및 펠렛 제품


이미지 필요

처리 방식 탈수 건조 가스화
발생량 (톤/년) 16,200 4,500 1,350
발생 대비 처리량 100% 18% 8%
함수율 (%) 75% 10% Ash (바닥재)
최종 처리
(+ 에너지 생산)
소각, 건조, 매립 발전소 보조연료 Ash 재활용 + 재생에너지 생산 940kW = 440kW + 500kW

슬러지 처리방식 비교 (합성가스화, 소각, 열분해)

처리 방식 합성가스화 소각 열분해
전력 생산량 30% 15% N/A
폐열 회수량 최대 80% 최대 70% 최대 50%
바닥재의 퇴비활용 활용도 높음 활용도 다소 낮음 활용도 다소 낮음
투자 대비 효율 매우 높음 처리 위주 매우 낮음


- Sewage sludge can be used as long term secondary fuel
- Co-firing of Sewage sludge with parallel separation of the ash
- Minimal extra technical costs with maximal utilization
- Modification of the gas treatment infrastructure in the existing power plant is not necessary
- Simple and proven technology
- Low investment and operational costs
- Simple installation
- No dioxins and furans thanks to SynGas gasification technology